
カーネル/VM Advent Calendar15日目: 今のMinixってどんな感じなのかな。

この記事はカーネル/VM Advent Calendarの15日目の記事です。 Sorry, this article is written in Japaneseさて、Minixと言えば教育用のOSとして有名だと思うのですが(教科書「オペレーティングシステム 設計と実装」とかで)、現在も開発は続いており、SC…

Fedora Advent Calendar day 4

Take a screenshot from terminal. You can do it with two commands that one is xwininfo and the other is import command. The import command take a screen shot but if you want to take screen shot particular window, you need to know its window…

Fedora Advent Calendar day 3

Have you seen this message when you are installing Fedora by Live CD? This message is shown when you don't choose ext4 file system as / file system. I just wanted to know why it doesn't allow to use other file system for / from source code…

Fedora Advent Calendar day 2

The beakerlib package The beakerlib is a testing framework written in bash. It helps you to write a test case in bash. It provides several features such as Journaling, Logging, Assertion, and so on. For example, QA:Testcase ClamAV would be…

Fedora Advent Calendar day 1

It is a time to start Advent Calendar, isn't it? In Japan, many Advent Calendar will start sine today. So, I'll do it too.The pkcon command The pkcon command is provided by PackageKit pacakage. You can install, remove, search, or etc by it…