linux-patch-exec-shield (1:がsid入り(*゚▽゚)ノ


動作確認はlibsafe付属のexploitで可能。でも、libsafeはdebianに入っていないので(;∀;) アップストリームから要ダウンロード。

mars:/home/masami/libsafe-2.0-16/exploits# ls
canary-exploit	  exploit-non-exec-stack    Makefile  t10.c  t1w.c  t3w    t4.c   t5	t6.c
canary-exploit.c  exploit-non-exec-stack.c  README    t1.c   t3     t3w.c  t4w	  t5.c
core		    t1	      t1w    t3.c   t4	   t4w.c  t6
mars:/home/masami/libsafe-2.0-16/exploits# cat /proc/sys/kernel/exec-shield <-- 設定を確認
1 <-- 1なのでexec-shield機能は有効
mars:/home/masami/libsafe-2.0-16/exploits# ./t1 <-- exploit実行
This program tries to use strcpy() to overflow the buffer.
If you get a /bin/sh prompt, then the exploit has worked.
Press any key to continue... <-- enterキーを押してshellが立ち上がればexploit成功
Segmentation fault <-- 落ちたのでexec-shieldが機能している
mars:/home/masami/libsafe-2.0-16/exploits# echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/exec-shield <-- exec-shieldを無効に
mars:/home/masami/libsafe-2.0-16/exploits# ./t1 <-- もう一回実行
This program tries to use strcpy() to overflow the buffer.
If you get a /bin/sh prompt, then the exploit has worked.
Press any key to continue...
sh-3.2# exit <-- プロンプトが変わってshellが立ち上がったのでexploit成功
mars:/home/masami/libsafe-2.0-16/exploits# echo 1 > /proc/sys/kernel/exec-shield <-- 再度exec-shieldを有効に
mars:/home/masami/libsafe-2.0-16/exploits# ./t1 <-- exploit実行
This program tries to use strcpy() to overflow the buffer.
If you get a /bin/sh prompt, then the exploit has worked.
Press any key to continue...
Segmentation fault <-- exec-shield機能が有効なのでshellが立ち上がらない


[  192.134999] t1[3673] general protection ip:80485a8 sp:bfa05eec error:0 in t1[8048000+1000]
[  227.539664] t1[3774] general protection ip:80485a8 sp:bfc028ec error:0 in t1[8048000+1000]