

φ(^∇^ ) メモナノラ gregさんから、 Hi, I'm trying to keep track of the different companies that people are working for, or if people are just doing this as a hobby, or being paid as a consultant for future articles on lwn.net about who is doing …


φ(^∇^ ) メモナノラ コンパイルエラー修正完了ですよヽ(・∀・ )ノ キャッ キャッ >>> Kernel build for BHYVE completed on Fri Jul 27 00:23:17 JST 2012とりあえずコンパイルは出来たんですけど、新しいカーネルで起動するとvmm_is_pptdev()のkfreeenv()呼び出…